Acupuncture has been used to successfully treat, and prevent disease for over 2,000 years. Acupuncture is part of China’s traditional medicine, which also includes Tuina massage, herbal therapy, nutrition and Chi Gong (a style of Chinese exercise). Acupuncture is a functional medicine. It restores the function of the different systems in the body that have lost their health through many reasons including stress, disease, poor diet, lack of exercise etc…
The fundamental essence of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is the concept of Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang represent the dualistic nature of our world. They are opposites yet interdependent, inter-supporting, inter-consuming and inter-transforming. Yin and Yang also divide infinitely into microsystems. All imbalances and dis-eases can be understood in TCM as an imbalance of the Yin and Yang of a person’s dimension. This includes the physical, mental, emotional, and psychological aspects of an individual. An example of yin and Yang is night and day. Humans will be healthy when they are active during the day (Yang) and Passive, sleeping at night (Yin). Disruption of our sleep cycle cannot be sustained permanently because it will leads to imbalances in our neuro-endocrine system, and ultimately weaken our health.
Acupuncture and the other modalities of TCM help engage the body’s natural healing mechanisms to restore balance, health and vitality as an organic process. For this reason, many different types of conditions can be helped. Pain, fatigue, allergies, headaches, digestive issues, anxiety and PTSD, are some of the many dis-eases that benefit from acupuncture treatments.
If you struggle with health issues that affect your quality of life, you can benefit from acupuncture treatment.
Maria-Teresa Bresnan, LAc,Maria-Teresa Bresnan, LAc, NTP, Dipl. Ac., is a National Board certified Acupuncturist, Licensed Acupuncturist by the state of Oregon, and certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner by the Nutritional Therapy Association.
She received a Masters degree in Oriental Medicine from the International Institute of Chinese Medicine in Santa Fe NM, and Bachelor degrees in Biology and Geography from the University of Colorado Boulder.
Additionally certified as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner from the Nutritional Therapy Association.
Her knowledge and experience in the healing arts began in 1990 embracing such different areas as: yoga and meditation instructor, Therapeutic Touch energy balancing, and Physical Therapy assistant at the University hospital Denver, CO. In 1995 Teresa Bresnan began private practice as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Licensed Acupuncturist, focusing on Traditional Chinese Medicine, nutrition and Natural Medicine.
Offering specialized treatments in:
Acupuncture | Tuina Massage | Cupping | Nutritional Therapy
Herbal Therapy | Flower Essences | Essential Oils | Energy Foot Bath
Office Hours are:
11:30 AM to 7:30 PM – Monday through Friday.
To pick up supplements, Apothecary Hours:
3:30 PM to 6:30 PM Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Most insurance accepted · Motor vehicle accidents
The Acupuncture and Natural Health center participates with the Returning Veterans Project to offer free sessions to post 9-11, 2001 deployed veterans and their families.