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Support and Frequently Asked Questions

If you are a current provider and have questions or need support regarding your account, ad campaigns, listings, or billing, please fill out the contact form.

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Enter your username which is used on My Mystic Path web directory.
I need help or have questions regarding:

Frequently Asked Questions

This section is in progress and will be updated frequently.


The built-in appointment booking option is a simple and intuitive system.

How do the appointment booking slots decide?

The appointment booking time slots are auto split into selection slot duration based on the opening and closing time set. (example: The therapist timings are 9-5pm and he has configured the slot duration to be 60 mins then the appointment slots available between 9-5 pm will be every hour so in this case there will be 8 slots per day. Also if the office is closed on Saturday and Sunday then there will be no appointment slots available for weekends.

Can I, as the listing owner, set my own slots duration?

Yes, each listing owner can set its own slot duration (example: 15mins, 30min, 90min, etc).

Does it allow double-booking of the same slot?

Once an appointment slot is requested it’s blocked until the appointment is canceled by the admin.

Does it allow the management of multiple employees in a single listing?

Sorry, this is not possible at this time.

Why do I not see the appointments option within my dashboard?

You must select the Divine Abundance Plan in order to have access to the appointment booking option.


How do I add a listing?

How do I delete or update a listing?

How do I know how many listings I have available?

How do I increase the listings I have in my package?


How can I view and print my invoices?


How do I view all of my reviews?

What can I do if someone leaves me a bad review?

What is your code of conduct for reviews?

Ad Campaigns

How do I create my first Ad Campaign?

Do you have any suggestions for creating a good Ad Campaign?

How do I delete or update an Ad Campaign?