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‘Facilitating access to the wisdom of the soul and the fields of all knowledge is my passion as a metaphysical teacher, to assist in creating a positive global imprint for the individual and the collective’.

Amanda is an international author, intuitive, visionary spiritual mentor, teacher of metaphysics and is a Master Akashic Record Oracle and Librarian.

Amanda specializes in private spiritual mentorship, empowerment, sacred Temple work and is a master in bridging the spiritual and physical worlds. Her understanding of how cosmic and universal energies effect and can be applied to everyday life experiences bring clarity and purpose on a deeper level.

By working with Amanda you may develop the skills to use or further enhance all of your unique spiritual gifts  to give greater understanding of your spiritual purpose and give voice to your subconscious like it has never been experienced before to gift positive outcomes into your life and global imprint. 

As a master Akashic Record Oracle, Amanda is able to open the veils to the mysteries of the Akashic matrix and cosmic realms and the etheric database of knowledge containing all the records of our incarnations.

Amanda’s international client list is full of inspiring and motivating leaders, visionaries, authors, artists, light workers, and people who are ready to accept a fabulous destiny.

Amanda can be found in Sedona, Arizona or on one of her out of this world sacred journeys to Egypt, Central America, Peru, Glastonbury and other sacred Temple sites around the globe.

Amanda Romania

Train with Amanda ~ Sacred Wisdom Teachings

Advanced Temple Mastery Programs to provide in depth wisdom, attunements and initiations to expand your spiritual ascension and practice. Simple ways to incorporate powerful practices into your career and daily life.  Private one to one sessions with Amanda. 

Not sure where to begin? 

The following program information and sequence provides insight into the content and focus of each training. Even if you have had Akashic training before, The Akashic Records program gets you into the Record Houses quickly and safely and enables you to take action within your own Records and create positive change. The programs are designed to empower you in ways that benefit your life, global imprint and your ascension path. So beginning with Akashic Therapy and working with the Oracle deck in the Record houses, provides a great foundation for the other programs and ensures you can access the information you need as you progress into other specialized areas.

If you would then like to delve deeper and continue on with the programs and into deeper spiritual work, the next program adds to the first. and delves into specific areas of spiritual work.


Akashic Records Oracle Deck

This beautiful Oracle Deck has been created by Master Akashic Librarian Amanda Romania.
Amanda has been a spiritual teacher and mentor for many decades and created this deck and the Akashic Records Therapy method to assist clients and students to access The Akashic Records, The Halls of Amenti and The Libraries of Light to assist with greater clarity in life as well as healing, clearing and providing clear direction through accessing your own personal Records and life path information. This is a live and working deck that allows you to safely work in the Record Houses and take action. Buy

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February, 2025




August 26,2019

  • Tuesday
  • 9:00am - 10:00am
  • Mystic Healers Network, LLC
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