At Biddy Tarot, we’re on a mission to help bring the wisdom of Tarot to millions of seekers around the world. We believe Tarot is a modern, intuitive tool for purpose-driven people who are ready to live life at their fullest potential – no crystal balls or crushed velvet required.
Learn The Tarot Basics
Learn what Tarot is, how it works, and how to expand your knowledge.
Read Tarot For Yourself & Others
My top tips for reading Tarot with confidence and advice for how to take the next steps in your journey.
Grow Your Intuitive Business
Learn how to create an online Tarot business that feeds your soul and supports your life.
And every card is an invitation to go deep within and connect your daily life with your Divine purpose.
Think you’re not ‘psychic’ enough to read Tarot? Think again.
I believe that everyone is intuitive – including YOU.
All you need to do is say YES to your intuition. It’s that simple.
And through the practice of reading Tarot, you’ll deepen your connection with your intuition even further, which means more clarity, more purpose, and more joy in your life.
If you’re ready to trust your intuition and manifest your future, with Tarot as your guide, click here and choose the path that resonates with you.
Brigit Esselmont is a multiple time best-selling author, intuitive entrepreneur, and founder of Biddy Tarot.
Brigit has used her background in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, Law of Attraction, and spiritual entrepreneurship to generate over $16 million in revenue for her business. She’s on a mission to bring Tarot into the mainstream as a modern, intuitive tool for purpose-driven people who are ready to live life at their fullest potential.
Brigit believes that Tarot’s uses go far beyond predicting the future, and can be far more powerful when used as a tool to build the lives we desire.
February, 2025
August 26,2019
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