Our Naturopathic Medicine and natural body therapies work together to resolve your symptoms…
If this is your first experience with Natural Medicine, then you may want to read a little bit about it. We suggest that you peruse our online magazine, The Herbal Advisor. It is a compilation of articles, protocols, podcasts and more from Dr. Karen Clickner. She was The Herbal Advisor on World Radio Geneva and the magazine grew from questions submitted by patients and her case studies of numerous diseases and conditions. To check it out, click here. You can also read her blog here.
We encourage you to think about what your goals are for your health and your body. Natural Medicine has options for all aspects of health and healing from natural solutions for severe illness to ways of reducing stress in daily life. By identifying your own goals and needs, it will make it easier for us to know what to suggest.
Conscious Body Natural Medicine of Holden
63 Highland St. (Route 31)
Holden, MA 01520
Conscious Body Natural Medicine of Westborough
125 Turnpike Rd. (Route 9)
Westborough, MA 01581