Greetings, my name is Ernie Flores. If you are looking for a transformative healing experience using the ancient art of shamanic healing, then you have come to the right place.
These shamanic sessions reconnect you to your own source of spiritual guidance that we are all naturally equipped with but have often lost this connection.
Imagine living your life connected to your own internal compass. Once you begin following this internal guidance, your life will begin to open up and new possibilities and new solutions emerge that are aligned to your highest potential.
Private sessions are in person at Holistic Path for Wellness in Medford, Oregon or a Zoom call. Group workshops are being offered at Holistic Path for Wellness. Sign up for updates about when these are happening.
My work is grounded in the knowing that we are all spiritual beings and that we are all creating our lives, whether we are aware of it or not. The biggest challenge we face is navigating our own internal patterns that shape our thoughts, emotions, and relationships. We create stories and beliefs about ourselves that don’t support our wellbeing. This can create physical illness, emotional discord, relationship stresses, or feeling stuck in life.
These patterns come from our childhood upbringing or traumas which can diminish our innate ability to feel whole, connected to ourselves and the people we love. My work focuses on supporting people with becoming aware of these root causes and what is blocking them from making positive changes in their lives.
I use tools that reconnect people with their own sense of knowing. The answer is always found in reconnecting with yourself and being willing to listen to what your body is communicating to you. It’s about feeling your emotions because sometimes just the act of feeling your life, shifts everything and being willing to listen to what your spirit has been whispering to you.
My intention is for people walk away feeling connected to themselves, connected to their spiritual guides, and more self awareness to navigate their lives. Ultimately, it’s about living a life that brings you joy, and feel loving connections with your family and friends.
The people that work with me have often already tried conventional medicine, therapy, or other alternative healing and have not found the results they were looking for. It takes courage to heal yourself. These shamanic tools can help you feel more whole and will transform your life.
For more information about fees, sessions, or other questions – visit the FAQs.
I have had several shamanic healing sessions with Ernie. I didn’t know what to expect at first since I had never used the services of a shaman before. Each session provided a calm, relaxing, and encouraging space where I felt I could share my experience without judgement or fear. I have been able to clear blockages and dive deeper into my inner wisdom to gain clarity. I would absolutely recommend Ernie to anyone looking for clarity, transformation, and healing.