Joe and his team of highly skilled trainers guide you on an experiential journey into the fascinating world of remote viewing. In just six days, you’ll learn to develop your natural or innate ability to perceive and describe information about a person, place or object from a distance.
Learn new ways to clear and focus your mind so it can receive remote viewing input. You’ll discover how to use sight as well as taste, smell, sound, feeling, or other forms of perception to collect information. You’ll get experience in processing and identifying the info you access. And ultimately, you’ll determine the value of that info within your own personal world construct.
Use the tools of the pros. You’ll be introduced to scientifically tested perceptual tools and techniques used by Joe and other professional remote viewers. You’ll also hear the history, protocols and success stories of sponsored remote viewing programs like STARGATE.
Focus your mind using Hemi-Sync®. While your success as a remote viewer is strongly tied to psychic ability, Hemi-Sync audio technology aids your learning process by helping you focus.
Play the three essential roles. Successful remote viewing requires more than the remote viewers themselves. While the viewer serves as the perceiver and illustrator, you also need a monitor, who functions as the assistant to the viewer. And you need a judge or analyst, who evaluates the accuracy of a session. You’ll have a chance to play all three critical roles during this highly participatory retreat.
Go beyond the boundaries of time and space. Once you master the basics, you’ll participate in a series of double-blind, independently judged remote viewing trials to test your newly acquired skills.
Transform your beliefs. Like most participants, you may find that you shift from a remote viewer skeptic to a believer. Many past participants also reported that they gained a deeper understanding of themselves, acquired new insights into perceptions and realities, and improved their problem-solving skills. They walked away with a greater awareness of their environment and a profound understanding that they are more than their physical bodies.
Perceive the unseen. Learn new ways of clearing and focusing your mind to receive RV input from one of the world’s leading Remote Viewers, Joe McMoneagle. Explore all three roles associated with Remote Viewing the Remote Viewer—perceiver and illustrator, the Monitor—assistant to the viewer, and the Judge— evaluator of the session. Discover why each of these three roles is critical to the success of Remote Viewing.
New in 2023! One-on-One Sessions with Joe McMoneagle A one-on-one Remote Viewing session with Joe McMoneagle for each participant will be added to the 2023 Remote Viewing 1 program(s). Joe has found this exercise to be most beneficial to individuals in the initial stages of learning to Remote View. For those who missed this in their past Remote Viewing 1 program, Joe will offer a one-on-one session while attending their RV-2 Program. |
This popular program fills quickly. To hold a spot—make your reservation early!